Native Instruments Massive is probably the single most widely used VST by bass music producers.  It’s intuitive interface and simple but extremely powerful modulation system makes it great synth for beginners and experts alike.  In the truest nature of Gravitas, we huddled the team and came back with 45 unique Massive patches as our gift to you.  Gravitas artists CryptexThe Digital ConnectionONE4ALL,ChrisB.Aligning Minds, PsymbionicPharoBrede, Spoken Bird,  Galvanix, and Soulular,  all contributed to this FAT PACK of Massive Patches.  Grab em, use em, abuse em and please let us know if you make something with them and want to show it off.  You can always send demos to our SoundCloud dropbox or email to [email protected]

Check out the demo song using some of the patches created by Psymbionic.

Here’s an article on loading Massive Patches into your system and also a quick instructional video: